Coach Bob Russell - Girls Basketball

Coach Bob Russell

Coach Bob Russell taught business at Kennett High from 1970-99 and was involved in a wide range of athletics. He coached junior varsity boys basketball from 1970-79; girls varsity basketball from 1980-96; junior varsity baseball from 1987-96; and also filmed for Kennett football, was also a clock keeper for football games, and the radio announcer for varsity football games. 
It was as the girl's varsity coach that Russell built one of the premier programs in the Granite State. He led the Eagles to their one and only Class I State Championship in 1989 and took three other teams (1988, 1992 and 1993) to the prestigious Final Four. Russell was named Class I Coach of the Year in 1988 and 1989. 

In 2006, Kennett changed the name of the girl's basketball award to the Russ Award in his honor. 
Coach Russell who lived in Conway with Betty, his wife, is the third member of his family enshrined into the Kennett High School Sports Hall of Fame, joining former Eagle basketball standouts Debbie and Erin Russell, who both netted over 1,000 points for their careers. 

Stories from on and off the court… 

From Marcis S: This is not sport related: however, it is a story about his summer job delivering ice cream products for Abbott’ Ice Cream. Bob always phoned the office in the latter part of each afternoon to place an order to restock the truck for the next day’s route of customers—no iPhones in those days!! I recorded his order after accepting his call but never had the fortune to see him in person as he would arrive back at the “plant” after I had left. We always laughed and joked but he couldn’t recollect who I was! I remembered him from my days at KHS but he was never my teacher! When he saw me one day after his return to the plant, we laughed as he did know me! 

From Lisa H: I took several business classes from Mr. Russell and always enjoyed them. He was dedicated and informative. We had many conversations about business and learned so much from him. I will always remember his kindness and smile! 

From Paul L: Great coach, I played for him Freshman and Sophomore years. Super nice guy who never swore a day in his life! I swore enough for both of us !! 

From Betty N: He encouraged my son Jay to go to Champlain College - best decision ever and all these years later Jay is still in the Burlington area! Thank you Coach Bob Russell! 

From Chris B: I had coach Russell for typing class my freshman year. One of the most useful classes I took as I can still type without looking at the keys. 

From Brian D: His first year coaching boys JV basketball after I practiced with the varsity (my sophomore year)I went down to the pit to finish practice with the JV where I was a swing player. We were running a play vs defense I caught a pass around the foul line and threw up a pretty hook shot from 15 feet that hit nothing but net. Oh well I got eaten alive by Russ. I was so taken back why he didn’t like me taking a hook shot on the foul-line. 11 years later I started coaching the JV boys and totally understood why he yelled at me. It was a lesson for me to transpose this to my JV team. Friends forever 

From Jo-Ann B: For such a big man, he had the most gentle voice. I think he coached some girls’ bball too. Mostly I remember he was a good friend to my mom in the business department 

From Heather C: Amazing coach! Inspirational, real, pushed you to your max but the rewards and love was maximized always. He always saw them best in us and asked us to show up better than we were the day before!! I learned a lot of life with Coach Russell!!! 

From Brandon K: Coach Russell was a great coach to me in many ways. He expected you to work very hard, play above your ability and represent your town, community, school, team, family and him. One game, when I was a sophomore, we needed to stop this one kid, yet coach didn’t want us to make dumb fouls….ok, too late….I treated this kid like a receiver going to try and catch the pass from a quarterback….I didn’t let him get too far….FOUL says the ref…..I thought it was a good foul….coach waits until it nearly silent n the gym b 4 he says, “Jeepers Creepers, why did u foul him?” OMG I thought. Lol Loved playing for him….he was one of my absolute favorite coaches. I respected him very much. Ty, Coach Russell for the life lessons! 

From Kristen U: “Umlah! SHOOT the damn ball”. Little did he know I would take that advice to heart and opt out of playing defense Coach Russel is a legend and I thank him for taking a chance on me as a freshman. 

The Russ Award
“The Girls Basketball Award is given in honor of longtime Basketball Coach and Educator Bob Russell. It is given annually to the player(s) who demonstrate Pride, Determination, Leadership, behavior and enthusiasm in the sport of Basketball” 

1982 Gina Chiaravelotti 
1983 SandraChiaravelotti & Diane Gilman 
1984 Christine Letters 
1985 Debbie Stevens & Karen Mason 
1986 Kristen Olson 1987 Shawna Gallagher 
1988 Julie Santuccio 
1989 Debra Russell, Laura Harriman, Cndy Sheldon, Kim Southard & Karen Potter 
1990 Susan Sorensen 
1991 Not Awarded 
1992 Ginnie McCormack-Lane 
1993 Amy Bennet, Vickie Smith & Linda Jutras 
1994 Sarah Thompson & Erin Russell 
1995 Cherish Vinley, Jen Smith, Nikki Wagstass & Satah Epstein 
1996 Not Awarded 
1997 Kristen Roberts 
1998 Lyndsay McMahon, Lissa Roberts & Kathryn Forsythe 
1999 Diane Provencher, Kristen Umlah & Sarah kenney 
2000 Erin Donabedian & Alison Szetela 
2001 Mandi Manoogian & Lindsay Mayock 
2002 Sarah Roberts, Brit Ames & Jen Luama 
2003 McKenzie Ferguson & Krista Sullivan
2004 Katelyn Quint & Alli Hiller 
2005 Brianna Kondrate & Jen Forsythe 
2006 Ali Junge Dennison & Mristen McKay 
2007 Sara Jannuzzi & Mandi King 
2008 Alicic Morrison, MaKenzie Keene & Kaycee Smith 
2009 Ashley Gordon 
2010 Kasey Cavanaugh & Moriah Heath 
2011 Sam Meader, Alie Wagner & Melissa Frase 
2012 Casey Blakely 
2013 Jordan Murphy 
2014 Rachel Samia & Kaylin Samia 
2015 Erin Milford 


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